Overdue Window ⌘1 The Overdue window displays all of the events that have become overdue. • If you don't need to reschedule an event, but want to mark it as done, option-click the triangle at the left of the event. Once marked as done, the event disappears from the Overdue window. In other windows, the event triangle will be gray, denoting that it is done. • To delete an item, hold command and option keys and click the item. • To start editing a field in the Overdue window, click it. To end editing, press Return or Enter. • To schedule an event from the Overdue window, click the date or time fields and choose a new date or time from the pop-up menu that appears. Overdue events can also be rescheduled by dragging them to another calendar window, such as the Month window. • To schedule all of the events in the Overdue window to the current day, choose Reschedule to Today from the Find menu. • To hear the events spoken, choose Speak Items (⌘K) from the Extras menu. Figure: Overdue Window.